ownCloud 7 install with current plugin

  • *** Please read through the whole Guide before attempting. It is expected you know how to use Nano to edit and save files ***
    OC 7 with plugin:

    1) I am not going to deal with any existing setups so remove them if you want OC7

    2) WARNING: After this is setup do not disable it in the plugin and re-enable. Your config will be rewritten. If you need to make a change to something like in the /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php or something do it manually. Then restart nginx with "service nginx restart".

    3) DO NOT USE THE SHARE FOLDER TAB IN THE PLUGIN. Everytime you use this it will reset things so just forget about that TAB. There is a way in the admin section of ownCloud to add any folder from the local filesystem of your OMV. I will show you how to do this. This is the proper way to add things from your OMV.

    4) Setup a working directory shared folder in Access Rights Management/Shared Folders.Click on add
    Put in Name (I use oc) and press TAB.Then select the Volume (one of your data drives).Use the default permissions.
    Click on save.

    5) Go to System/Certificates.
    Click on add
    The most important field here is the Common Name field. The rest you can fill out however you want.The Common Name field should be filled in with how your home network is accessed remotely. If you have a static ip from you ISP that is what you should use. If you have dynamic ip you need to use your address from your ddns provider (e.g. xxx.dyndns.org). If you have bought a domain name use it in this field.
    Then save to create the self signed cert.


  • 6) Now you need to install the plugin openmediavault-owncloud from /System/Plugins in OMV's web gui. Do not enable it yet because we will upgrade from OC 6.x to OC 7.x before we enable the plugin.

    7) Now we need to install OC 7. You can download it to /opt, or wherever you want.
    cd /opt

    wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community/Debian_7.0/all/owncloud_7.0.4-3_all.deb

    dpkg -i own(and then press TAB to complete the filename and then press ENTER.)
    This will install OC 7.
    afterwards delete the package in /opt with
    rm own(and then press TAB to complete filename and then press ENTER.)

    8 ) Now we will add the repo key in command line:

    wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community/Debian_7.0/Release.key
    apt-key add - < Release.key

    After this you can add the repo in on the Custom TAB in OMV Extras. Here is the repo for updates.

    deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community/Debian_7.0/ /

    Then while still in the Custom TAB click on update button in the toolbar.

  • 9) Now we can go to the plugin and fill in the fields and enable.
    check mark to enable
    8443 for port
    select the self signed cert you just created above from the drop down
    for data directory select the shared folder you created for ownCloud, again I used oc
    Then click on Save and Apply.

    10) Some things will need to be fixed from what I saw.
    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/owncloud
    chown -R www-data:www-data /media/uuid/oc (where uuid is your uuid to the oc folder or whatever you called your owncloud working directory folder)

    11) I attached 2 javascript files. Settings.js and Interface.js.
    cd /var/www/openmediavault/js/omv/module/admin/service/owncloud
    then remove the old Settings.js with
    rm Settings.js
    and put the 2 attached files in this location /var/www/openmediavault/js/omv/module/admin/service/owncloud

  • 12) Once those files are in place check chown and chmod:
    cd /var/www/openmediavault/js/omv/module/admin/service/owncloud
    ls -la

    They should be chown openmediavault:openmediavailt and chmod 664. It they are not do this:

    chown openmediavault:openmediavault Settings.js
    chmod 664 Settings.js

    chown openmediavault:openmediavault Interface.js
    chmod 664 Interface.js

    13) In command line:
    service nginx restart

    14) The first sign in needs to be with the admin user and password with the codes from your OMV. There is a web client button on the Settings TAB. Use that for the first time sign in. It is a bit slower the first time due to setting up of the sql database.

    15) To get the Interface.js working you need to edit the /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php file
    cd /var/www/owncloud/config
    nano config.php
    Then this needs to be added right before the 2nd to last line that says: 'installed' => true,

    'xframe_restriction' => false,

    Then do this in command line:
    service nginx restart

    PS- There may be an issue with the interface until CSP is disabled. If it is not working try installing links plugin and adding a site with the media box checked. This will disable CSP.

  • Once you are logged into ownCloud and things setup you need to enable the "External Storage Support" app.

    1) Click on file in the upper left hand corner.
    2) Click on + Apps
    3) Then scroll down til you see the apps listed in white that are not enabled.
    4) Look for the "External Storage Support" app and enable it on the right.

    1) Now, to make an folder available to your ownCloud user you need to click on admin in the
    upper right corner
    2) Then click on admin in the drop down
    3) You should see the "External Storage" toward the top. This is where you add local folder from your OMV. See attached pic.
    4) Click on "Add storage" and then click on "local".
    5) Then in the fields you put Name (if I add music I use localMusic so I know where it is from)
    The configuration field is the path form where it is locate on your omv (e.g. /media/uuid/music where uuid is your uuid to the location of folder you are sharing)
    Then the last field is who you want to share it with out of your users or groups. You just click in this field and there is a drop down to select from. This is the best feature of ownCloud I think. It makes it really easy to share files with a lot of people fast.

    Good Luck!!!!

  • A word of advice, do not install ownCloud apps from other versions. Only install apps that are for version 7.x


    When you pull up an app it will tell you what version of OC it should be used. They don't have a separate store (library, whatever..) for different version of their apps.

    You download and unzip the apps. Do it to like /opt or make a new location on your system drive.
    I use a folder called scratch. Usually the zipped file will unzip a folder with folders and files in it.
    Copy the unzipped folder to this location:
    Then the app can be enabled in owncloud in the file/+apps section.

    PS- OC7 is pretty new so it does not have as many apps yet as older versions.

  • Also, the version number needs to be changed manually:

    Ediit the config.php with nano:

    cd /var/www/owncloud/config
    nano config.php

    then edit this field to make it (you only need to do this if the version did not upgrade in the config.php file. With it did upgrade fine for me):

    'version' => '',

    save the file and then:
    service nginx restart

    @ ALL GUESTS, to download the newer java files above you need to become a member of the forum!!!

  • My Guide does not tell you to create a user to use with ownCloud. Volker made a plugin that integrates your current OMV users, or users created post OC7 install, into ownCloud. These users do not need to be assigned rights/ownership to the working directory for ownCloud. The requisite privileges were given to the shared folder (chmod 775) when the working directory is created. ownCloud and Volker's plugin will handle your user being allowed to authenticate into ownCloud.

    Make sure you follow the Guide above. The admin user is the first user you should use to login. It is slower the first time because files and setttings are being created. It is so with every user's first login.

  • After an upgrade of php there is an issue with session id errors. Rocologo found solution for this.

    To fix just do this edit this file:

    in there is this line (you id number will be different):'
    instanceid' => '954387590050432546476881428390927750529',

    Put and oc in front of the number and shorten the numbers to 8 digits and then save/close the file:
    'instanceid' => 'oc95438759',

    Then go to where working directory was installed:
    /media/uuid/OC (whatever shared folder name you used).

    Then do a list command and you will see a folder like this:

    Do this to rename it while in the working directory:
    mv owncloud-oc954387590050432546476881428390927750529 owncloud-oc95438759

    your session errors will be gone.....

    It is not allowing numerical numbers anymore. That is why you need to do this.

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