Serviio Install Guide

  • Serviio Media Streaming Server

    Serviio, OpenJDK 8 JRE, dcraw, ffmpeg

    This tutorial describes how to install and configure Serviio on OpenMediaVault 4.x. The installation is done as the root user.

    1. Download the current version of Serviio. Unpack the gzipped tarball and rename the folder to serviio. Move the folder to /usr/share/serviio.

    wget && tar xzf serviio-1.9-linux.tar.gz && mv serviio-1.9 /usr/share/serviio

    2. Create the Serviio service account. This account is restricted to no login and to run as a service. Change ownership of the serviio folder and subdirectories to the serviio user and group.

    useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d /usr/share/serviio -r -M -U serviio
    chown -R serviio:serviio /usr/share/serviio

    3. Install the necessary packages.

    apt-get install dcraw ffmpeg openjdk-8-jre

    4. We will need to add the systemd script. You may use your favorite editor of choice. In this example, nano is used.

    nano /lib/systemd/system/serviio.service

    5. Copy the code below and paste it into the open nano window in the terminal. Save it (Ctrl-o) and exit (Ctrl-x) the editor.

    6. Enable Serviio to start automatically at boot

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable serviio
    systemctl start serviio

    Is Serviio up and running? Check the status with this command.

    systemctl status serviio

    The command should show that Serviio is running. If it is not, Verify steps 1 to 6 and try again. If Serviio is still not up and running, please consult the Serviio FAQ or the Serviio forum.

    7. Launch the web console by navigating to http://<your IP or DNS address>:23423/console/

    Questions / Problems / Discussions ?
    Just navigate to the Serviio installation guide discussion thread.

    Version 1.4: 14.11.2017 - Updated for Serviio 1.9. All previous versions for OMV 3.x and below have been removed.
    Version 1.3.2 08.08.2016 - Updated for Serviio 1.7.
    Version 1.3.1 23.04.2016 - Updated for Serviio 1.6.1.
    Version 1.3: 10.03.2016 - Updated for Serviio 1.6. Cleaned up installation steps. Removed Web UI as Serviio has it's own. Changed install directory to /usr/share/serviio to align with future plugin.
    Version 1.2: 10.04.2015 - Updated for Serviio 1.5.2. Reformatted to OMV guide template by @topi. Removed install license step.
    Version 1.1: 25.02.2015 - Updated for Serviio 1.5.1.
    Version 1.0: 08.11.2014 - Removed Sardaukar(OMV 0.5.x) instructions. Removed FFmpeg install from repository. Removed Oracle Java 7 installation steps.

    Version 1.4 // @shadowzero // 12 Nov 2017

    ShadowZero -- OMV Fan since 0.3

    39 Mal editiert, zuletzt von shadowzero ()

  • Excellent guide. Thanks!

    I can now finally stream music to my Pure contour internet radio via dlna with servvio.
    Getting FFMPEg running was a hassle. I did this with the help of serviio's guide(s):…owto:linux:install:centos

    This worked for me. I had some trouble with transcoding because of ownership issues on tempfiles that have been resolved.

    Question: I have also tried getting the webgui up & running but this final step fails. when i type in the url x.x.x.x/serviio the browser returns a blank screen... Did I miss something?

  • Hi Tjerk2000

    I forgot to mention the phpwebui needs the php5-curl pacakage. Do an apt-get install php5-curl and restart apache after. That should take care of the blank page.

  • Hi all. Just wanted to make a quick note. If you are using the omv-extras plugin, you may run into an update issue. It appears that it includes the deb-multimedia-keyring in that package and I believe it conflicts with the installation I mention. See this post for more details http://forums.openmediavault.o…524&hilit=armel&start=280 I had the problem updating the omv-extras on my system and removed the deb-multimedia-keyring package. After removing it I was able to update the omv-extras plugin. I may remove adding the apt list and install since it is already included with omv-extras plugin. I will test it out and see what happens.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I don't know why it can't install the same key but it doesn't like it. It will do it just fine when upgrading omv-extras. I want to add a detection to see if the key is already installed but apt-key list doesn't tell you the right information.

    So, you should be fine removing that step from your instructions since the key file is taken from that same package.

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.2 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • ShadowZero - Thanks for the guide!

    I was using the section for the java 7 install so I could test ums in a vm and java 6 installed fine but 7 failed. I forget but it may have been a repo problem so I just followed the directions at…cle-java-7-in-debian.html and java 7 installed just fine. I upgraded my physical omv java to ver 7 and got serviio going again so its scanning now :)

    I will give the webui a try when I get a chance to see if its any better than the web console.

    I did this because it turns out the newer versions of UMS require v7. I got ums running in a vm but didnt have any media mounted. So I am curious as to how it compares to serviio. Ums requires no scanning...

  • Zitat von "ryecoaaron"

    I don't know why it can't install the same key but it doesn't like it. It will do it just fine when upgrading omv-extras. I want to add a detection to see if the key is already installed but apt-key list doesn't tell you the right information.

    So, you should be fine removing that step from your instructions since the key file is taken from that same package.

    Thanks for the advice and additional confirmation! I did test this on my dev box and came out with the same result. Serviio worked fine with the omv-extras package.

  • Hi Earbiter,

    Thanks for providing the link! I will definitely look into it and see if it is a better way to add Java 7. I'm glad that it worked for you. As far as Ums is concerned, I have never used it so I cannot give an honest opinion on it. I assume you are referring to How it compares to Serviio I cannot honestly answer. Once you specify the media directories in Serviio, it automatically scans those locations based on the media type you tell it to look for. Any new media you add can automatically be added to the existing libraries you have. If you have some input to share about Ums I'm sure the forums would love to hear about it. If there is interest to work on a guide or a future plugin for it I may look into it in the future. I love working on stuff like this. I suggest opening a new topic in the general forums for Ums. Thanks again for the feedback. Any comment is welcome!

  • Hi all,

    I wanted to update on my progress developing Serviio as a plugin. As of now I have decided to postpone until OMV 0.6 is released. I will have more time to develop a plugin once it is released. For now, I will continue to support the manual instructions I have posted for OMV 0.5. Thanks again to everyone who have shown interest in this guide. I look forward to developing more plugins in the future.

  • I noticed 1.4 had been released. To upgrade I overlaid with the new files but kept the library folder. Seems to work the same although I dont know that the transcoding is working for me.

    I followed your guide and got the webui working. Thanks! With it you can at least see the full info on the folders being scanned. Still missing a little from the java console or its just different. I run that from my ubuntu desktop by adding -Dserviio.remoteHost=192.168.1.xx on to the end of the JAVA_OPTS variable.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Thank you very much for sharing these instructions!

    Maybe you could include the following comments in order to help linux novices even more:

    The following line should be corrected:
    correct: unzip

    The Apache instructions state "add the following code to Apache" but the first line and last line are actually commands, the text is between them.

    Also if OMV web GUI has been set up to use https, the Serviio web GUI will also be found under https://your_host/serviio

  • Thanks for the feedback daflow! I have updated the guide to reflect the correct changes. While I did not use HTTPS for the web console, it is a great note for others if they use it. Thanks again for the feedback.

  • Hi,
    I have some strange issues with my web-console. I had instaled serviio for log time and works fine, but web-console not work at all. I ve done every thing same as you explaining in first post, except I ve used newest version from github. But when I go to http://<MyOmvIp>/serviio I get a blank page.

    Here is tail of /var/log/apache2/openmediavault-webgui_error.log

    [Sun Jan 12 21:49:16 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning:  include(lib/ failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/serviioweb/index.php on line 4
    [Sun Jan 12 21:49:16 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening 'lib/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/var/www/openmediavault') in /usr/share/serviioweb/index.php on line 4
    [Sun Jan 12 21:49:16 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning:  include(lib/serviio.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/serviioweb/index.php on line 5
    [Sun Jan 12 21:49:16 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening 'lib/serviio.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/var/www/openmediavault') in /usr/share/serviioweb/index.php on line 5
    [Sun Jan 12 21:49:16 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Class 'ServiioService' not found in /usr/share/serviioweb/index.php on line 8

    I know what that mean but have no idea how to fix it. :? Any hints?

  • Hi mejty,

    The blank page usually means that curl for php is not installed. Check to see if you have it installed by running: dpkg -l|grep php5-curl If you do not, then install it: sudo apt-get install php5-curl then try again. If it still does not show then restart Apache: sudo service apache2 restart If you still have blank page then either check your permissions or download the package from the link provided on Serviio's wiki page:…o/archive/

  • Hi shadowzero,

    thanks a lot, curl was instaled and runing just fine, but I tryed delete all files and set it from scratch. Now it works just fine. Dont know where the problem was, maybe some corrupted file in archive with I downloaded first time, or some typo in config file. Doesnt mind. Once again thanks, a lot.

  • After some hellish fiddling around I got 1.4 working with my iPads and iPhones(MediaBrowser). Not for the fainthearted though. Especially getting ffmpeg compiled with all bells and wistles(read x264, https and mp3lame support).

  • Hello to all!

    With OMV Kralizec on the horizon I have started to work on Serviio again. I'm currently testing it out and will have a few changes to the guide since the switch to Nginx. I should have some results in a few days time permitting.

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